Popular Courses

Discover our most popular courses taken by thousand of students. These courses are regularly updated.


Fundamental Of UI/UX

Learn to create beautiful design and make use of them with projects.

Price: $20


Javascript Basic to advanced

Explore the programming world with JS one of the most popular language.

Price: $25


Fullstack Web Development

Learn Front-end, Back-end web development and much more with us.

Price: $30


Digital Marketing

Learn digital marketing and have a on demand and exiting career.

Price: $28


Photography Basic Rules

Learn basic thing about photography on this course taught by professional photographer.

Price: $30


Motion Graphics

Learn and explore the exciting world of motion graphics.

Price: $25


Explore The E-Learning Institute

Frax stops the fraction struggle through an adaptive, game-based system that helps grade 3+ students build the skills, knowledge, and understanding of fractions for ongoing success in higher mathematics.

3.2K Online Course

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Meet Successfull Students

Our course is designed so that you are able to get success in your field. Here are some of our successfull students and their experiences on our courses.

Kit Harington

UI/UX Designer

Emilia Clark

Motion Designer

Peter Dinklish

Graphics Designer

Sophie Turner

Web Developer

Student's Feedback

We try to improve our courses all the time. Student's feedback helps us a lot on where we can improve.

If it is tailored to the individual student and clear-cut, feedback can be a formidable learning tool.Carefully working on relationship building right from the start of the school year can help teachers avoid discipline issues.

Hasina Begum Web Designer

Your work is good, I feel you are becoming complacent keep looking for ways to improve. For example, it would be good to see you concentrating harder on providing critique of the ideas explored in the class.

Awlad Hossain UI Designer

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out most common questions students have about our Courses. In that procss your question might also be answered.

Grid and flexbox. The basic difference between CSS Grid Layout and CSS Flexbox Layout is that flexbox was designed for layout in one dimension - either a row or a column. Grid was designed for two-dimensional layout - rows, and columns at the same time.

Bootstrap comes with a set of pre-styled responsive, mobile-first components that possess a definite UI kit. Tailwind CSS uses a set of utility classes to create a neat UI with more flexibility and uniqueness. Sites created using Bootstrap follow the generic pattern that makes them look identical.

In CSS, the term "box model" is used when talking about design and layout.

The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around every HTML element. It consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content. The image below illustrates the box model:

The HTML semantics refers to the tags that provide meaning to an HTML page rather than just presentation. It makes HTML more comprehensible by better defining the different sections and layout of web pages.

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